Pin board project

My desk has been seriously lacking character since we moved into our place almost a year ago (a year! how did that happen?), and I felt I needed an inspiring space from which to work and potter. So, after googling a few how-to's on making fabric-covered pin boards, I settled on one based around an artist's canvas, fabric, buttons and ribbon.

Now, I picked a bright lime coloured polka-dot fabric, but being the perfectionist that I (sometimes) can be, had difficulty lining up the ribbon in a criss cross formation (see here for an example of what I was initially going for) to be perfect. So I decided to embrace the spots, and go with a more random approach, where I sewed buttons onto some of the spots and used twine to "join the dots" which I think works quite well. I do plan on adding some more buttons and string as it still looks a little sparse- just need to buy some more of the same buttons.

I now have a colourful place to display all the little bits and pieces that are close to my heart or inspirational or just plain funny (like these greeting cards from Able and Game). I'm thinking now I need to get some of those cute little wooden pegs to hang along the string... what do you think?

K x

(I only *slightly* tidied up my desk, promise!)

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